K ATA L O GI I N MONO GR A F I J E / C ATA L O GI E T MONO GR A PH I A E 4 1 EVIDENCE OF THE ROMAN ARMY IN SLOVENIA SLEDOVI RIMSKE VOJSKE NA SLOVENSKEM JANKA ISTENIČ, BOŠTJAN LAHARNAR, JANA HORVAT Uredniki / Editors 2015 EVIDENCE OF THE ROMAN ARMY IN SLOVENIA • SLEDOVI RIMSKE VOJSKE NA SLOVENSKEM KATALOGI IN MONOGRAFIJE 41 2015 K ATA L O GI I N MONO GR A F I J E / C ATA L O GI E T MONO GR A PH I A E 4 1 EVIDENCE OF THE ROMAN ARMY IN SLOVENIA • SLEDOVI RIMSKE VOJSKE NA SLOVENSKEM Uredniki / Editors JANKA ISTENIČ, BOŠTJAN LAHARNAR, JANA HORVAT Ljubljana 2015 Katalogi in monograije / Catalogi et monographiae 41 EVIDENCE OF THE ROMAN ARMY IN SLOVENIA SLEDOVI RIMSKE VOJSKE NA SLOVENSKEM Janka Istenič, Boštjan Laharnar, Jana Horvat (uredniki / editors) Jezikovni pregled slovenskih besedil / Slovenian language editing Glavni in odgovorni urednik serije / Editor-in-chief of the series Alenka Božič in Marjeta Humar Peter Turk Recenzenti / Reviewed by Technical editor / Tehnična urednica Jana Horvat, Janka Istenič, Peter Kos, Boštjan Laharnar Barbara Jerin Oblikovanje / Design Urejanje slikovnega gradiva / Figures editing Barbara Predan Ida Murgelj Založnik / Publisher Uredniški odbor / Editorial board Narodni muzej Slovenije Dragan Božič, Janez Dular, Janka Istenič, Timotej Kniic, Biba Teržan Zanj / Publishing executive Barbara Ravnik, direktorica Narodnega muzeja Slovenije Tisk / Print Present d. o. o. Naklada / Print run 400 Cena / Price 56 € © 2015 Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana Tiskano s inančno pomočjo Ministrstva za kulturo Republike Slovenije in Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije. he publication was made possible with funding from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovenian Research Agency. CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 355(497.4)"652"(082) 94(37) EVIDENCE of the Roman army in Slovenia = Sledovi rimske vojske na Slovenskem / uredniki, editors Janka Istenič, Boštjan Laharnar, Jana Horvat. - Ljubljana : Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2015. - (Katalogi in monograije = Catalogi et monographiae / Narodni muzej Slovenije ; 41) ISBN 978-961-6169-97-4 1. Vzp. stv. nasl. 2. Istenič, Janka 280118528 Vse pravice pridržane. Noben del te izdaje ne sme biti reproduciran, shranjen ali prepisan v kateri koli obliki oz. na kateri koli način, bodisi elektronsko, mehansko, s fotokopiranjem, snemanjem ali kako drugače, brez predhodnega pisnega dovoljenja izdajatelja (copyright). All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. CONTENTS KAZALO Preface 7 Predgovor Boštjan Laharnar he Roman army in the Notranjska region 9 Boštjan Laharnar Rimska vojska na Notranjskem Janka Istenič with a contribution by Alenka Miškec (the coin catalogue) Traces of Octavian's military activities at Gradišče in Cerkno and Vrh gradu near Pečine Danilo Breščak Graves with weapons from Verdun near Stopiče 43 75 Janka Istenič s prispevkom Alenke Miškec (katalog novcev) Sledovi Oktavijanovega vojaškega delovanja na Gradišču v Cerknem in Vrh gradu pri Pečinah Danilo Breščak Grobovi z orožjem z Verduna pri Stopičah Andrej Gaspari, Iris Bekljanov Zidanšek, Andrej Gaspari, Iris Bekljanov Zidanšek, Rene Masaryk, Matjaž Novšak Rene Masaryk, Matjaž Novšak Augustan military graves from the area 125 Avgustejska vojaška grobova s Kongresnega trga of Kongresni trg in Ljubljana v Ljubljani Jana Horvat Jana Horvat Early Roman military inds from prehistoric 171 Zgodnjerimske vojaške najdbe s prazgodovinskih settlements in the Gorenjska region naselbin na Gorenjskem Milan Sagadin Milan Sagadin Evidence of the Roman army in Early Roman Kranj 209 Sledovi rimske vojske v zgodnjeantičnem Kranju Mitja Guštin Mitja Guštin Roman camps following the route to Segestica 221 Rimski vojaški tabori v smeri proti Segestiki and the western Balkans in zahodnemu delu Balkanskega polotoka Alenka Miškec Alenka Miškec he role of Roman Republican denarii of Mark Antony 235 Vloga rimskih republikanskih denarijev Marka Antonija in the monetary circulation of the Late Republic v denarnem obtoku pozne republike Boštjan Laharnar, Benjamin Štular, Miha Mlinar Boštjan Laharnar, Benjamin Štular, Miha Mlinar Gradič above Kobarid – a Late Republican fortiied emporium? 243 Gradič nad Kobaridom, poznorepublikanski utrjeni emporij? Maja Janežič, Evgen Lazar Maja Janežič, Evgen Lazar Roman military equipment from the town centre of Poetovio 257 Rimska vojaška oprema iz središča Petovione Irena Lazar Irena Lazar Roman tile workshop at Vransko – archaeology, 269 Rimska opekarna na Vranskem – arheologija, ager of Celeia and Roman history celejski ager in rimska zgodovina Andrej Preložnik, Aleksandra Nestorović Andrej Preložnik, Aleksandra Nestorović Germanic spur from Ptuj 285 Germanska ostroga s Ptuja Veronika Plaum, Judita Lux Veronika Plaum, Judita Lux Hackamore and other parts of equine equipment 297 Hakamora in drugi deli konjske opreme from the Roman villa at Mošnje (Abstract) iz rimske vile pri Mošnjah Julijana Visočnik Julijana Visočnik Soldiers from Roman autonomous towns in Slovenia, 305 Vojaki iz rimskih avtonomnih mest na Slovenskem, active in other parts of the Roman Empire (Summary) ki so službovali drugod po imperiju Anja Ragolič Anja Ragolič Die Zeit des Kaisers Gallienus und 317 Galienovo obdobje in vloga vojske die Rolle des Heeres in Poetovio v Petovioni Drago Svoljšak Drago Svoljšak Roman fort at Hrušica: indings of investigations after 1979 341 Rimska utrdba na Hrušici, izsledki izkopavanj po letu 1979 Janka Istenič Janka Istenič with a contribution by Andrej Šemrov (the coin catalogue) s prispevkom Andreja Šemrova (katalog novcev) Mali Njivč above Novaki 365 Mali Njivč nad Novaki Slavko Ciglenečki Slavko Ciglenečki Late Roman army, Claustra Alpium Iuliarum 385 Poznorimska vojska, Claustra Alpium Iuliarum and the fortiications in the south-eastern Alps in utrjena krajina v jugovzhodnih Alpah Preface Predgovor he Roman army and the numerous inds and phenomena associated with it, is one of the central issues of Roman archaeology and history, as well as being a recurring research topic. Proučevanje najrazličnejših vidikov rimske vojske ter z njo povezanih pojavov je ena od osrednjih tem rimske arheologije in zgodovine. he last two decades of archaeological investigation in Slovenia, much of which was of a rescue nature, have revealed numerous traces of Roman military activities, ranging from forts to small fragments of military equipment. Concurrently with ield investigations, knowledge has also been gained from the study of previously recovered archaeological evidence, all of which sheds new light on events taking place on the territory of Slovenia at the end of prehistory and in the Roman period. As a result, we have a better understanding of the way that Roman conquest proceeded, we have gained additional knowledge of individual aspects of military defence and control in the Late Roman period, and more is known on the architecture and dating of individual forts and fortlets, on the provisioning of the army, on communication and transport lines, as well as on the Roman military equipment. In light of this, the National Museum of Slovenia and the Institute of Archaeology at the Scientiic Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts organised a scientiic gathering dedicated to new discoveries concerning Roman military activity on the territory of Slovenia. It took place on the 17 and 18 November 2011 in Ljubljana. his event led to the idea for a publication that would bring together the results of recent investigations into the subject. Subsequent years have been dedicated to gathering contributions, but also to peer reviewing and editing. he book presents a rich collection of contributions, although it lacks the results of several important rescue excavations, the desktop assessment of which is not yet at a stage that would enable conclusions to be drawn. We nevertheless hope that this represents a valuable addition to our knowledge of the Roman period in Slovenia and will prompt further research. Janka Istenič, Jana Horvat and Boštjan Laharnar Arheološke raziskave, med katerimi je bilo največ zaščitnih, so v zadnjih dveh desetletjih razkrile številne nove sledi delovanja rimske vojske na območju sedanje Slovenije, od utrdb do drobnih odlomkov vojaške opreme. Hkrati je bilo znova proučeno že prej znano arheološko gradivo. Te raziskave so na novo osvetlile dogajanje na ozemlju sedanje Slovenije ob koncu prazgodovine in v rimski dobi. Napredovali smo v razumevanju poteka rimskega osvajanja ozemlja Slovenije v zgodnjerimski dobi ter poglobili poznavanje posameznih vidikov vojaške obrambe in nadzora v poznorimski dobi, več vemo o arhitekturi in datiranju vojaških utrdb, o oskrbi vojske, o poteku prometnih in oskrbovalnih poti ter o rimski vojaški opremi. Narodni muzej Slovenije in Inštitut za arheologijo Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti sta 17. in 18. novembra 2011 v Ljubljani organizirala znanstveno srečanje, posvečeno novim odkritjem v zvezi z delovanjem rimske vojske na ozemlju Slovenije. Iz srečanja je zrasla zamisel o knjigi, v kateri bi bili na enem mestu predstavljeni najnovejši raziskovalni rezultati. V naslednjih letih smo se posvetili zbiranju prispevkov o izbranih temah, njihovemu recenziranju in urejanju. V knjigi žal manjka obravnava nekaterih pomembnih zaščitnih izkopavanj, pri katerih stopnja obravnave gradiva še ne omogoča objave izsledkov. Kljub vsemu upamo, da bo knjiga dragocen prispevek k razumevanju rimske dobe na Slovenskem in spodbuda za nadaljnje raziskovalno delo. Janka Istenič, Jana Horvat in Boštjan Laharnar 7 ROMAN MILITARY EQUIPMENT FROM THE TOWN CENTRE OF POETOVIO RIMSKA VOJAŠKA OPREMA IZ SREDIŠČA PETOVIONE Maja Janežič, Evgen Lazar Maja Janežič, Evgen Lazar Abstract Izvleček his article presents a saddle horn, parts of equine equipment, armour scales and other items of Roman military equipment, found in 2010 and 2011 during archaeological rescue excavations at the site of Vičava in Ptuj, in the immediate vicinity of the presumed town centre of Poetovio. V članku so predstavljeni rog konjskega sedla, deli konjske opreme, luske oklepa ter drugi predmeti rimske vojaške opreme, ki so bili v letih 2010 in 2011 najdeni med zaščitnimi arheološkimi raziskavami na Vičavi na Ptuju, v neposredni bližini domnevnega foruma Petovione. Keywords: Poetovio, Vičava, Roman military equipment, Roman equine equipment, saddle horn Ključne besede: Petoviona, Vičava, rimska vojaška oprema, rimska konjska oprema, rog sedla History of research at the site of the former barracks (ig. 1) Zgodovina raziskav območja nekdanje vojašnice (sl. 1) While digging a construction pit for barracks’ foundations in 1905, the poorly preserved remains of Roman buildings and a multitude of Roman small inds were discovered.1 he irst extensive research in this area was conducted by Balduin Saria, who led the excavations in the barracks’ courtyard in 1912.2 he remains of a paved street with colonnade foundations and a drainage channel were found, as well as exceptionally well-built structures with foundations built from river cobble and mortar downstream of the River Drava. he buildings were richly decorated, supporting the assumption that this area had been the central part of Poetovio.3 In 1975, the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (Institute for Monument Protection, at the time) researched the river cobble-built foundations of a building and the remains of a drainage channel west of the barracks; the small inds were attributed to the second half of the 1st century and the 3rd century.4 In 1992, the institute conducted archaeological research at several locations in the immediate vicinity of the barracks. hese unearthed Roman building foundations and road remains.5 Med izkopom gradbene jame za temelje vojašnice leta 1905 so odkrili slabo ohranjene ostanke rimskodobnih objektov in veliko rimskih drobnih najdb.1 Prve večje raziskave na tem območju je opravil Balduin Saria, ki je leta 1912 vodil izkopavanja na dvorišču vojašnice.2 Odkrili so ostanke tlakovane ulice s temelji stebrišč in odtočnim kanalom ter v smeri toka reke Drave zelo kakovostno zgrajene objekte s temelji iz rečnih oblic in malte. Objekti so bili bogato okrašeni, kar se ujema z domnevo, da je bilo to območje osrednji del Petovione.3 Leta 1975 je Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije (takrat Zavod za spomeniško varstvo) zahodno od vojašnice raziskal iz rečnih oblic zgrajene temelje stavbe ter ostanke odtočnega kanala; drobne najdbe sodijo v drugo polovico 1. in v 3. stoletje.4 Leta 1992 je zavod izvedel arheološke raziskave na več mestih v neposredni bližini vojašnice. Odkrili so rimske temelje stavb in ostanke ceste.5 1 2 3 4 5 Klemenc, Saria 1936, 33. Saria 1922, 204. Horvat et al. 2003, 161–163, ig. 8. Tušek 1977; Mikl-Curk, Tušek 1985, 295–313, pls. 1–7. Tušek 1995, 134. Raziskave v letih 2010 in 2011 (sl. 2) Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, Center za preventivno arheologijo, je med 12. 10. 2010 in 30. 8. 2011 izvedel zaščitne arheološke raziskave v notranjosti nekda1 2 3 4 5 Klemenc, Saria 1936, 33. Saria 1922, 204. Horvat et al. 2003, 161–163, sl. 8. Tušek 1977; Mikl-Curk, Tušek 1985, 295–313, t. 1–7. Tušek 1995, 134. 257 Archeological researches in years: Arheološke raziskave v letih: 1912 structure / struktura excavation area / rob izkopanega polja 1975 structure / struktura excavation area / rob izkopanega polja 1992 structure / struktura excavation area / rob izkopanega polja 2010/11 structure / struktura excavation area / rob izkopanega polja Reconstruction of Roman Roads Rekonstrukcija odsekov rimskih cest Figure 1. Ptuj, Vičava, area of the former barracks. Archaeological research from 1912 (amended ater Klemenc, Saria 1936, 34), 1975, 1992 (amended ater Lubšina Tušek 2012, appendix 1) and 2010/11; and reconstruction of the road course (E. Lazar; based on 2010 cadastre). All depicted structures are from the Roman period. Slika 1. Ptuj, Vičava, območje nekdanje vojašnice. Arheološke raziskave iz leta 1912 (dopolnjeno po Klemenc, Saria 1936, 34), 1975, 1992 (dopolnjeno po Lubšina Tušek 2012, priloga 1) in 2010/11 ter rekonstrukcija poteka ceste (izdelava E. Lazar; podlaga kataster iz l. 2010). Vse prikazane strukture so iz rimske dobe. 258 Research in 2010 and 2011 (ig. 2) he Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Centre for Preventive Archaeology, conducted rescue archaeological research in the interior of the former barracks and directly alongside it between 12th October 2010 and 30th August 2011. Due to concerns about the stability of the building, excavations were limited to the depth necessary for renovation works. Archaeological research inside and outside the building encompassed ca. 750 m². he interior excavations were conducted within the framework of the existing layout (nine rooms of various sizes). Only the foundations of the Roman walls and columns were preserved. hey were built from river cobble and mortar. In Room 1, the remains of a Roman road were unearthed. It was lanked on both sides by buildings with colonnades. he road ran south-west to north-east (ig. 3); it was 6 m wide and lay perpendicular to the street discovered in 1912.6 here were several construction phases and 6 Saria 1922, 204. nje vojašnice in tik ob njej. Zaradi statike so bile raziskave omejene na izkop do globine, ki je bila nujna za izvedbo obnove stavbe. Arheološke raziskave znotraj in zunaj stavbe so zajele približno 750 m2 veliko površino. Izkopavanja znotraj stavbe so potekala v okvirih notranje prostorske ureditve (devet prostorov različnih velikosti). Ohranili so se le temelji rimskih zidov in stebrov. Grajeni so bili iz rečnih prodnikov in malte. V prostoru 1 smo izkopali ostanke rimske ceste. Na obeh straneh so jo omejevale stavbe s stebriščem. Cesta je potekala v smeri jugozahod‒ severovzhod (sl. 3), bila je široka 6 m in je ležala pravokotno na ulico, odkrito med raziskavami leta 1912.6 Cesta in stavbe ob njej so imele več faz pozidave in uporabe. Znotraj stebrišč nismo odkrili tlakovanih hodnih površin, ampak le zbita glinena tla. Pod cestiščem je najverjetneje potekala kamnita kloaka oz. kanalizacija, ki so jo v celoti uničili ob ponovni uporabi njenih gradbenih delov (kamnov) v srednjem veku. 6 Saria 1922, 204. stages of use discernible on the road and the buildings. No paved walking surfaces were found inside the colonnades, just a compact clay loor. A stone cloaca, i.e. sewer, probably once ran under the road surface; it had likely been entirely destroyed when the road’s building parts (stone slabs) were reused during the Middle Ages. Two narrower (ca. 1.5 and 2 m wide) roads (ig. 4) were discovered along the north-western face of the barracks, which were not detected inside the building; it is assumed these converge perpendicularly to the larger road discovered in Room 1 of the barracks. he streets were situated between walls and were paved with cobbles, similarly to the larger road to which they adjoin. According to small inds, especially the pottery, the abovementioned architectural elements were from later than the end of the 1st or the beginning of the 2nd century. In areas where the entire archaeological record could be researched, postholes and imprints of wooden beams were found, probably the remains of wooden buildings under the 2nd century structures and layers. Traces of such constructions appeared at both outermost edges of the excavated area (north-east and south-west); we therefore assume that these extend over the entire area of the building. Wooden construction remains with the highest expressive value were discovered in the north-eastern part of the barracks, where distinct beam impressions, running perpendicularly to each other were visible (ig. 5); these belonged to buildings with undetermined functions. Similar, but far less distinct and expressive wooden construction remains were also discovered outside the barracks. Small inds indicate the wooden structures belong to the irst half of the 1st century. Roman military equipment inds Copper alloy armour scales (ig. 6: 1; ig. 8) were tied together at the sides with a thin wire having an oval crosssection. he individual scales are 2.6 cm long, 1.3 cm wide and 0.1 cm thick, rectangular in shape, with a rounded bottom side. hey have two holes each on the remaining three straight sides and were found in a layer (SU 623) with Roman inds from the second half of the 1st century. he bronze sword handguard plate is of an oval shape (ig. 6: 2; thickness 0.1 cm, length 4.2 cm, width 7.3 cm, weight 7 g) and was tinned on the upper and lower surface.7 It was found in a layer (SU 328) containing Roman pottery, which cannot be more precisely dated. he handguard 7 The composition of the metals or alloys was determined using the PIXE method on a tandem accelerator of the Jožef Stefan Institute by Žiga Šmit. The composition research was conducted in the framework of the Portable archaeological heritage – archaeological and archaeometric research project led by Janka Istenič. 1-9 research area / območje raziskav building foundations / temelji vojašnice spatial arrangement / prostori znotraj vojašnice Ob severozahodnem licu vojašnice smo odkrili dve ožji (približno 1,5 m in 2 m široki) cesti (sl. 4), ki ju znotraj zgradbe nismo zasledili; sklepamo, da sta se pravokotno stikali z večjo ulico, ki smo jo odkrili v prostoru 1 v vojašnici. Ulici sta se nahajali med zidovoma in sta bili tlakovani s prodom na enak način kot večja cesta, s katero sta se stikali. Glede na drobne najdbe, predvsem keramiko, so navedeni arhitekturni elementi mlajši od konca 1. oz. od začetka 2. stoletja. Na območjih, kjer smo smeli raziskati celoten arheološki zapis, smo pod strukturami in plastmi iz 2. stoletja odkrili stojke in odtise lesenih tramov, verjetno ostanke lesenih stavb. Sledovi take gradnje so se pokazali na obeh skrajnih koncih izkopnega polja (SV in JZ del), zato domnevamo, da se razprostira na celotnem območju stavbe. Ostaline lesenih stavb z največjo pričevalno vrednostjo smo izkopali v severovzhodnem delu vojašnice, kjer so bili vidni izraziti odtisi tramov (sl. 5), ki so potekali pravokotno drug na drugega in so pripadali objektom, katerih funkcije ni bilo mogoče določiti. Podobne, vendar veliko manj jasne in povedne ostanke lesene gradnje smo odkrili tudi zunaj vojašnice. Drobne najdbe kažejo na datacijo lesenih objektov v prvo polovico 1. stoletja. Figure 2. Ptuj, Vičava. Area of archaeological research in the interior of the former barracks and alongside it in 2010 and 2011 (S. Pukšič; based on 2010 cadastre). Slika 2. Ptuj, Vičava. Območje arheoloških raziskav v notranjosti nekdanje vojašnice in ob njej v letih 2010 in 2011 (izdelava S. Pukšič; podlaga kataster iz l. 2010). Najdbe rimske vojaške opreme Luske oklepa iz bakrove zlitine (sl. 6: 1; sl. 8) so ob straneh med sabo povezane s tenko žico ovalnega preseka. Posamezna luska je 2,6 cm dolga, 1,3 cm široka in 0,1 cm debela, pravokotne oblike in z zaobljeno spodnjo stranico. Na treh ravnih straneh ima po dve luknjici. Najdene so bile v plasti (SE 623) z rimskodobnimi najdbami iz druge polovice 1. stoletja. 259 cloaca / robova kloake porticus / obrisi temeljev stebrišča street / robova ulice 3 4 street / robova ulice 260 remainings of the wooden structures / linije robov ostankov lesenih objektov plate belonged to a Mainz type sword (this type was in use from the Augustan era to the mid-1st century).8 A circular phalera (ig. 6: 3; diameter 4.8 cm) from a copper, zinc, tin, and lead alloy has silvering9 remains on its front, as well as barely visible, but conirmed traces of vegetable motif decoration. he shallow grooves were probably illed with niello at irst. In the centre of the phalera is a round hole, with two hinge axes on the back, as well as three ca. 2.2 cm long fastening rings. It was found in a layer (SU 1378) dated to the second half of the 1st century and the irst half of the 2nd century, according to imported pottery. A similar phalera with vegetative decoration was found in Augusta Raurica, where it was dated to the post-Tiberian era according to context.10 A round pendant (ig. 6: 4; ig. 9) from a copper alloy was made from two parts of hammered sheet metal. hey were joined by a central rivet with a large semi-circular head and smaller rivets at the sides: 15 in total, of which ive were preserved. here is a fastening halter at the top. he middle part of the pendant front has a low relief decoration: a rosette and hammered dots. he length of the pendant is 8.9 cm, width 8.2 cm, sheet metal thickness 0.1 cm, and 8 9 10 Istenič 2009, 268–269. See fn. 7. Deschler-Erb 1999, 59, pl. 33: 645. Bronasti branik ročaja meča ovalne oblike (sl. 6: 2; debelina 0,1 cm, dolžina 4,2 cm, širina 7,3 cm, teža 7 g) je bil na zgornji in spodnji površini pokositren.7 Najden je bil v plasti z rimskodobno lončenino (SE 328), ki ne omogoča natančnejše datacije. Branik je pripadal meču tipa Mainz (tip je bil v uporabi od avgustejske dobe do sredine 1. stoletja).8 Okrogla falera (sl. 6: 3; premer 4,8 cm) iz zlitine bakra, cinka kositra in svinca ima na licu ostanke posrebritve9 in slabo vidne a nedvomne sledove okrasa z rastlinskim motivom. Plitvi žlebovi so bili prvotno verjetno zapolnjeni z niellom. Na sredini falere je okrogla luknjica, na hrbtni strani pa sta zobca tečaja ter tri pribl. 2,2 cm dolge zanke za jermene. Najdena je bila v plasti (SE 1378), ki je po uvoženi lončenini datirana v drugo polovico 1. stoletja in v prvo polovico 2. stoletja. Podobna falera z rastlinskim okrasom je bila najdena v Augusti Raurici, kjer je glede na kontekst datirana v potiberijsko obdobje.10 7 8 9 10 Sestavo kovin oziroma zlitin je z metodo PIXE na tandemskem pospeševalniku Inštituta Jožef Stefan določil Žiga Šmit. Raziskave kovin oz. zlitin so potekale v okviru raziskovalnega programa Premična kulturna dediščina – arheološke in arheometrične raziskave, ki ga vodi Janka Istenič. Istenič 2009, 268–269. Glej op. 7. Deschler-Erb 1999, 59, t. 33: 645. Figure 3. Ptuj, Vičava, area of the former barracks. Road course with colonnades in Room 1 (photo D. Kovačič). Slika 3. Ptuj, Vičava, območje nekdanje vojašnice. Potek ceste s stebriščem v prostoru 1 (foto D. Kovačič). Figure 4. Ptuj, Vičava, area of the former barracks. Streets of 2 m and 1.5 m width along the north-western face of the former barracks (photo D. Kovačič). Slika 4. Ptuj, Vičava, območje nekdanje vojašnice. Ulici širine približno 2 m in 1,5 m ob severozahodnem licu nekdanje vojašnice (foto D. Kovačič). Figure 5. Ptuj, Vičava, area of the former barracks. Remains of wooden structures in Room 8 (photo D. Kovačič). Slika 5. Ptuj, Vičava, območje nekdanje vojašnice. Ostanki lesenih objektov v prostoru 8 (foto D. Kovačič). 261 Figure 6. Ptuj, Vičava, area of the former barracks. 1 armour scales; 2 sword handguard plate; 3 phalera; 4 pendant; 5 pendant; 6 saddle horn. All copper alloy or copper. Scale = 1 : 2 (drawing 1–2, 4–6 M. Janežič; 3 I. Murgelj). Slika 6. Ptuj, Vičava, območje nekdanje vojašnice. 1 luske oklepa; 2 branik meča; 3 falera; 4 obesek; 5 obesek; 6 rog sedla. Vse bakrove zlitine ali baker. M = 1 : 2 (risba 1–2, 4–6 M. Janežič; 3 I. Murgelj). weight 66 g. It was found in a layer (SU 261) containing only fragments of Roman pottery, which could not be more precisely dated. A similar item, partly tinned and dated to the 1st and 2nd centuries, was found in Newstead in Scotland.11 It has a similar basic shape to the Poetovio pendant, a large central rivet and numerous prongs with rivets at the sides. 262 11 Bishop 1988, igs. 40–42; Junkelmann 1992, 82, ig. 93. Okrogel obesek (sl. 6: 4; sl. 9) iz bakrove zlitine je narejen iz dveh delov tolčene pločevine. Med seboj sta spojena z zakovico v sredini, ki ima veliko polkrožno glavico, in z manjšimi zakovicami ob straneh, od katerih jih je ohranjenih pet, vseh skupaj pa jih je bilo pa petnajst. Na vrhu ima zanko za obešanje. Osrednji del lica obeska ima nizek reliefni okras: rozeto in iztolčene bunčice. Dolžina obeska je 8,9 cm, širina 8,2 cm, debelina pločevine je 0,1 cm in tehta 66 g. Najden he Scottish pendant has 28 prongs, although it does not have a loop halter at the top, but strap fasteners on the back. Such pendants were probably attached to the chest or thigh straps of a horse. A brass12 oval shaped pendant with a palmette-shaped ending (ig. 6: 5; length 10.2 cm, width 5.2 cm, thickness 0.2 cm, weight 36 g) is also part of equine equipment. It was hung on a brass13 strap itting with a hole, indicating that it was fastened to the strap by a rivet. It stems from a layer (SU 1492), which also yielded sigillata and thin-walled pottery ware from the 1st century. Figure 7. Ptuj, Vičava, area of the former barracks. 1 button fastener with trapezoidal loop, bone; 2–4 projectile heads of square crosssection and tang, iron. Scale = 1 : 2 (drawing M. Janežič). Slika 7. Ptuj, Vičava, območje nekdanje vojašnice. 1 gumb s trapezoidnim zaključkom, kost; 2–4 izstrelki konic kvadratnega preseka in s trnom, železo. Merilo = 1 : 2 (risba M. Janežič). Five pendants of this type were found in Augusta Raurica, one of them in an Augustan-Tiberian context.14 A particularly intriguing ind is a hammered copper or copper alloy sheet metal representing the rear right saddle horn (ig. 6: 6; ig. 10). It has a series of holes with a diameter of 0.4 cm at the sides, distributed 1.2 cm apart. here were 0.3 cm wide ribs running along the entire preserved surface along the holes; these ran ca. 0.5 cm apart and ca. 1 cm away from the holes. he height of the preserved sheet metal is 20 cm, the width 15.5 cm (not straightened out), and thickness 0.1 cm; its weight is 191 g. It was discovered in the illing of a modern interment (SU 1153), together with three unrecognisable bronze objects and a fragment of Roman pottery. Figure 8. Ptuj, Vičava, area of the former barracks. Armour scales (photo D. Kovačič). Slika 8. Ptuj, Vičava, območje nekdanje vojašnice. Luske oklepa (foto D. Kovačič). Saddle horns were used by the Celts as early as the 2nd and 1st centuries BC; the Romans used them at least until the beginning of the 4th century, some believe even until the 6th century, when saddles with stirrups started appearing.15 Several depictions of saddle horns are known from stone monuments and archaeological inds (leather fragments and horn sheet metal).16 hese show that horned saddles had prongs at the sides reminiscent of horns. he front two horns enabled a better hold of the saddle with the thighs and were crucial in mounting and dismounting the horse; the rear two prevented the rider from falling back, ensuring excellent stability in the saddle. je bil v plasti (SE 261); vsebovala je le odlomke rimskodobne lončenine, ki ne omogočajo ožje datacije plasti. Podoben predmet, deloma pokositren in datiran v 1. in 2. stoletje, je bil najden v Newsteadu na Škotskem.11 S ptujskim obeskom imata podobno osnovno obliko, osrednjo veliko zakovico in številne izrastke z zakovicami ob straneh. Obesek s Škotskega jih ima 28. Ta obesek nima zanke na vrhu, temveč na hrbtni strani zanke za jermen. Takšni obeski so bili verjetno pritrjeni na prsno ali stegensko jermenje konja. In Newstead, Scotland, metal parts of two Roman fourhorned saddles (types A and B) were found. Each saddle had four horn plates. In the type B saddle (ig. 12) the plates of the front horns are shaped like shoe soles, while the rear plates have an L-shape. here were visible remains of leather on the plate’s exterior, as well as remains of stitching on one of the plates.17 H konjski opremi sodi tudi medeninast12 obesek ovalne oblike z zaključkom v obliki palmete (sl. 6: 5; dolžina 10,2 cm, širina 5,2 cm, debelina 0,2 cm, teža 36 g). Obešen je na medeninast13 jermenski okov z luknjico, ki kaže, da je bil z zakovico pritrjen na jermen. Izvira iz plasti (SE 1492), v kateri smo našli sigilatno posodje in keramiko tankih sten iz 1. stoletja. 12 13 14 15 16 17 See fn. 7. See fn. 7. Deschler-Erb 1999, 52, pl. 25: 501–504. Connolly, van Driel-Murray 1991, 35. Junkelmann 1992, 35–36. Connolly, van Driel-Murray 1991, ig. 7. Figure 9. Ptuj, Vičava, area of the former barracks. Pendant front (photo D. Kovačič). Slika 9. Ptuj, Vičava, območje nekdanje vojašnice. Lice obeska (foto D. Kovačič). Pet obeskov tega tipa so našli v Augusti Raurici, enega izmed njih v avgustejsko-tiberijskem kontekstu.14 11 12 13 14 Bishop 1988, sl. 40–42; Junkelmann 1992, 82, sl. 93. Glej op. 7. Glej op. 7. Deschler-Erb 1999, 52, t. 25: 501–504. 263 Figure 10. Ptuj, Vičava, area of the former barracks. Saddle horn from front and rear (photo D. Kovačič). Slika 10. Ptuj, Vičava, območje nekdanje vojašnice. Rog sedla s sprednje in zadnje strani (foto D. Kovačič). Figure 11. Ptuj, Vičava, area of the former barracks. Stone ball (photo D. Kovačič). Slika 11. Ptuj, Vičava, območje nekdanje vojašnice. Kamnita krogla (foto D. Kovačič). Zelo zanimiva najdba je tolčena pločevina iz bakra ali bakrove zlitine, ki predstavlja zadnji desni rog sedla (sl. 6: 6; sl. 10). Ob straneh ima niz luknjic premera 0,4 cm, ki so med seboj oddaljene 1,2 cm. Vzdolž luknjic po celotni ohranjeni površini potekata 0,3 cm široki rebri, ki sta med seboj oddaljeni približno 0,5 cm, od luknjic pa približno 1 cm. Višina ohranjene pločevine je 20 cm, širina 15,5 cm (neraztegnjena) in debelina 0,1 cm, njena teža pa 191 g. Odkrita je bila v polnilu novoveškega vkopa (SE 1153), skupaj s tremi nerazpoznavnimi bronastimi predmeti in odlomkom rimske lončenine. Some examples have carved signs on the inner side, which probably helped the craftsman in making the saddle.18 Fragments of Roman four-horned saddles are known from Newstead, Scotland, and three sites in Germany (Rottweil – ig. 13, Mainz-Weisenau and Moers-Asberg), as well as from numerous other sites. Geographically closest to the Poetovio example is a saddle horn from Vinkovci in Croatia.19 At none of the sites were saddle horns found together with nails, showing that the discussed metal plates were not ittings. he holes were most likely used for stitching the plates to a leather cloth.20 Sedla z rogovi so uporabljali Kelti že v 2. in 1. stoletju pr. Kr. Rimljani so jih uporabljali najmanj do začetka 4. stoletja, nekateri menijo, da še do 6. stoletja, ko so se začela pojavljati sedla z stremeni.15 Znanih je več upodobitev sedel z rogovi na kamnitih spomenikih in arheoloških najdb (deli usnja in pločevine rogov).16 Te kažejo, da so imela sedla z rogovi na vogalih nastavke, ki spominjajo na rogove. Sprednja rogova sta bila namenjena boljšemu oprijemu stegen s sedlom in sta bila ključna pri zajahanju in razjahanju konja, zadnja dva sta preprečevala padec nazaj in s tem zagotavljala dobro stabilnost v sedlu. V Newsteadu (Škotska) so našli kovinske dele dveh sedel z rogovi (tip A in B). Vsako sedlo ima štiri kose pločevine. Pri sedlu tipa B (sl. 12) sta pločevini sprednjih rogov po obliki podobni podplatu čevlja, pločevini zadnjih pa imata obliko črke L. Na zunanji strani pločevine so vidni ostanki usnja in na eni izmed pločevin tudi ostanki šivov.17 In the 1980s, the issue of Roman four-horned saddles was extensively studied by Peter Connolly, who made several 18 19 264 20 Junkelmann 1992, 41. Hoiler 1912, 21. Junkelmann 1992, 44. 15 16 17 Connolly, van Driel-Murray 1991, 35. Junkelmann 1992, 35–36. Connolly, van Driel-Murray 1991, sl. 7. 14 12 15 Figure 12. Newstead. Metal saddle parts with leather remains (ater Connolly, van DrielMurray 1991, ig. 7). Slika 12. Newstead. Kovinski deli sedla z ostanki usnja (po Connolly, van Driel-Murray 1991, sl. 7). Figure 13. Rottweil. Full saddle horn set, 1st century (ater Junkelmann 1992, ig. 43). Slika 13. Rottweil. Popolna garnitura rogov, 1. stoletje (po Junkelmann 1992, sl. 43). Figure 14. Connolly’s wooden saddle horn reconstruction (ater Junkelmann 1992, ig. 45). Slika 14. Conollyjeva lesena rekonstrukcija sedla z rogovi (po Junkelmann 1992, sl. 45). 13 Na nekaterih primerkih so na notranji strani vrezani znaki, ki so bili verjetno v pomoč mojstru pri izdelavi sedla.18 Deli sedel z rogovi so znani iz Newsteada (Škotska) in treh najdišč v Nemčiji (Rottweil – sl. 13, Mainz-Weisenau in Moers-Asberg), poleg tega pa tudi s številnih drugih najdišč. Geografsko najbližje ptujskemu primerku je rog sedla iz Vinkovcev na Hrvaškem.19 Figure 15. Simkins’ reconstruction of movable horns on a saddle (ater Junkelmann 1992, ig. 71). Slika 15. Simkinsova rekonstrukcija sedla s premičnimi rogovi (po Junkelmann 1992, sl. 71). Hkrati z rogovi sedel niti v enem primeru niso bili najdeni žebljički, kar jasno kaže, da obravnavani kovinski deli niso bili okovi. Najverjetneje je bilo nanje skozi luknjice našito usnje.20 diferent examples of this saddle type and tested them. His saddles had a wooden construction and often cracked during riding (ig. 14). Fixed wooden horns were efective in mounting a horse, but restricted the mobility of the rider while riding.21 Assisted by two experienced saddle-makers, Michael Simkins made a saddle reconstruction with movable horns.22 Metal plates were sewn tightly to a well-padded saddle illed with felt, and a leather cover was sewn over the sheet metal (ig. 15). In this way, the horns remained movable, which proved to be a considerable advantage in riding, as V 80. letih prejšnjega stoletja se je s problematiko rimskih sedel z rogovi ukvarjal Peter Connolly, ki je izdelal več različnih primerkov tega tipa sedla in jih preizkušal. Njegova sedla so imela leseno konstrukcijo in so pri jahanju večkrat počila (sl. 14). Nepremikajoči se leseni rogovi so sicer bili učinkoviti pri vzpenjanju na konja, a so ovirali mobilnost jezdeca pri ježi.21 Michael Simkins je s pomočjo dveh izkušenih sedlarjev naredil rekonstrukcijo sedla s premičnimi rogovi.22 Na dobro oblazinjeno sedlo so s tesnimi šivi pritrdili rogove iz pločevine, napolnjene s klobučevino, ter čez pločevino prišili usnje (sl. 15). Tako so rogovi ostali premakljivi, kar je po18 19 20 21 22 Junkelmann 1992, 47, ig. 18. Junkelmann 1992, 62. 21 22 Junkelmann 1992, 41. Hoiler 1912, 21. Junkelmann 1992, 44. Junkelmann 1992, 47, sl. 18. Junkelmann 1992, 62. 265 menilo veliko prednost pri ježi. Jezdec se je na takem sedlu lažje gibal, kar je bilo dobrodošlo pri ježi ter pri zajahanju oziroma razjahanju konja.23 Figure 16. Ptuj, Vičava, area of the former barracks. Tegula fragment with stamp of legio XIII Gemina (photo D. Kovačič). Slika 16. Ptuj, Vičava, območje nekdanje vojašnice. Odlomek tegule z žigom legije XIII Gemine (foto D. Kovačič). K vojaški opremi morda spada tudi koščen gumb s trapezoidno zanko (sl. 7: 1), dolg 2,4 cm, širok 1,7 cm in težek 2 g. Izvira iz plasti (SE 1485), ki je vsebovala veliko sigilatnega posodja iz sredine 1. stoletja. Gre za večnamensko uporaben predmet, pogost v vojaških in civilnih okoljih. Pri vojaški noši je služil za spenjanje ogrinjala in obešanje meča na pas. Z bolj grobimi primerki so zapenjali tovore, šotore in večje transportne vreče. V Augusti Raurici, so podobni gumbi datirani v 1. stoletje.24 Tri železne predmete (sl. 7: 2–4) smo uvrstili med izstrelke. Morda gre za konice pilumov. Izstrelka sl. 7: 2 (dolžina 6,6 cm, širina 1,2 cm, teža 13 g) in sl. 7: 3 (dolžina 6,2 cm, širina 1 cm, teža 7 g) sta bila najdena v plasti (SE 632) z rimskimi najdbami, s konca 1. stoletja, izstrelek sl. 7: 4 (dolžina 7,1 cm, širina 1,2 cm, teža 36 g) pa je iz plasti (SE 1099), v kateri ni bilo drugih najdb; ležal je neposredno pod plastjo (SE 1095), ki je vsebovala rimske, a časovno ožje neopredeljive predmete. the rider could move more easily during riding, as well as in mounting and dismounting a horse.23 he military equipment perhaps also includes a bone button-and-loop fastener with a trapezoidal loop (ig. 7: 1); 2.4 cm long, 1.7 cm wide, and weighing 2 g. It was found in a layer (SU 1485) containing a large amount of sigillata from the mid-1st century. his is a versatile item frequent in military and civilian environments. It was used in military garb to fasten the cloak and the sword to the belt. More coarse examples were used to fasten loads, tents and larger transport bags. In Augusta Raurica, similar fasteners were dated to the 1st century.24 hree iron items (ig. 7: 2–4) were interpreted as projectiles, perhaps pilum heads. he projectiles ig. 7: 2 (length 6.6 cm, width 1.2 cm, weight 13 g) and ig. 7: 3 (length 6.2 cm, width 1 cm, weight 7 g) were found in a layer (SU 632) with Roman inds from the end of the 1st century, while projectile ig. 7: 4 (length 7.1 cm, width 1.2 cm, weight 36 g) was from a layer (SU 1099), which contained Roman, but not more precisely datable objects. A limestone ball (ig. 11; diameter 12.4 cm, weight 1,658 g) was found in the illing of a modern interment (SU 1450) Kamnita apnenčasta krogla (sl. 11; premer 12,4 cm, teža 1658 g) izvira iz polnila novoveškega vkopa (SE 1450), ki vsebuje le rimske, vendar časovno ožje neopredeljene najdbe. Odlomek vojaške diplome (sl. 18) iz bakrove zlitine smo našli v rimskem temelju zidu (SE 1259), zgrajenem iz prodnikov in malte. V plasti nad njim je bila galska sigilata s konca 2. in začetka 3. stoletja, pod njim pa italska sigilata iz druge polovice 1. in prve polovice 2. stoletja. Stratigrafska lega zidu torej kaže, da je bil zgrajen v sredini ali drugi polovici 2. stoletja. Odlomek tegule z žigom legije XIII Gemine (sl. 17; dolžina 22 cm, širina 20,4 cm, debelina 4 cm, teža 1600 g) izvira iz plasti (SE 889) z odlomki rimske lončenine lokalne proizvodnje, ki ne omogočajo ožje datacije. 13. legija je bila nameščena v Petoviono leta 45 ali v začetku 46, v letih 102/106 pa so jo premestili v Vindobono.25 Napisi na oltarjih v 3. mitreju kažejo, da so oddelki te legije bili v Petovioni spet v drugi polovici 3. stoletja.26 Zaključek Z izkopavanj v letih 2010 in 2011 na območju središča Petovione poleg odlomka vojaške diplome izvira 12 z rimsko vojsko povezanih predmetov. Pripadajo orožju (okov branika meča, trije deli izstrelkov, luske oklepa, kamnita 23 24 23 266 24 Junkelmann 1992, 62. Deschler-Erb 1999, 68. 25 26 Junkelmann 1992, 62. Deschler-Erb 1999, 68. Horvat et al. 2003, 156. Horvat et al. 2003, 157. containing only Roman, but not more narrowly determinable inds. A military diploma fragment (ig. 18) from a copper alloy was found in Roman wall foundations (SU 1259) built from cobble and mortar. In the layer above was samian ware from the end of the 2nd century and beginning of the 3rd century, while under it was Italian sigillata from the second half of the 1st and the irst half of the 2nd century. A tegula fragment with the stamp of legio XIII Gemina (ig. 17; length 22 cm, width 20.4 cm, thickness 4 cm, weight 1,600 g) is from a layer (SU 889) with locally produced Roman pottery fragments, which cannot be more precisely dated. he legio XIII was stationed in Poetovio in AD 45 or at the beginning of 46 and was transferred to Vindobona in 102/106.25 Altar inscriptions in the 3rd mithraeum show that units of this legion again appear in Poetovio in the second half of the 3rd century.26 research area / območje raziskav building foundations / temelji vojašnice location of the ind (with corresponding number) / mesto najdbe predmeta (št. predmeta na sliki) Conclusion he 2010 and 2011 excavations in the town centre of Poetovio yielded 12 items, which could be attributed to Roman military equipment, apart from a military diploma fragment. hese included weapons (a sword handguard plate, three projectile fragments, armour scales, a stone ball), equine equipment (phalera, two pendants and a saddle horn), and building elements (tegula fragment). Five of these items could be dated based on excavation contexts (a gilded bronze pendant, two iron projectiles, armour scales, and a bone fastener). All were found in 1st century layers, determined chronologically based on imported pottery. he sword handguard plate and bronze equine equipment pendant (ig. 6: 4), which are probably also from the 1st century, and the tegula fragment with the stamp of the legio XIII Gemina (45–102, second half of the 3rd century) could only be dated by analogies. he remaining items (saddle horn plates, iron projectile, stone ball) could not be dated to a narrower timeframe. Small inds thus show that military activities took place on the strategically most exposed part of Poetovio along the Drava bridge in the 1st century; perhaps this was even the site of a military encampment. he town forum was probably later built in the same area. Translation: Vesna Pintarič Kocuvan Language editing: Terry Troy Jackson 25 26 Horvat et al. 2003, 156. Horvat et al. 2003, 157. Figure 17. Ptuj, Vičava, area of the former barracks. Locations of the discussed inds in the excavated area (S. Pukšič; based on 2010 cadastre). Slika 17. Ptuj, Vičava, območje nekdanje vojašnice. Lega obravnavanih najdb v izkopnem polju (izdelava S. Pukšič; podlaga kataster iz l. 2010). krogla), konjski opremi (falera, dva obeska in rog sedla) in gradbenim elementom (odlomek tegule). Pet od teh predmetov smo lahko datirali glede na najdiščne okoliščine (pozlačen bronasti obesek, dva železna izstrelka, luske oklepa in koščeni gumb). Vsi so bili najdeni v plasteh 1. stoletja, ki smo jih časovno opredelili na podlagi uvožene keramike. Zgolj po analogijah smo datirali branik ročaja meča in bronasti obesek konjske opreme sl. 6: 4, ki sta verjetno prav tako iz 1. stoletja ter odlomek tegule z žigom XIII Gemine (45–102, druga polovica 3. stoletja). Pri drugih predmetih (rog sedla, železni izstrelek, kamnita krogla) nismo mogli določiti ožjega časovnega okvira. 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